Thursday, March 26, 2020

shot lists again

Saturday is filming day numero uno!!! I'm excited but also kind of nervous. I don't know if Saturday will be the only filming day but if we're being realistic probably not. Anyways, a while back I storyboarded the first half of the scene but that was also back when I thought I was going to get the rights to that Grizzly Bear song. However, I'm not too worried I think I can switch a couple shots around and still make it work for a completely different song. Speaking of which...I think I might be getting the rights to Campus by Vampire Weekend, fingers crossed though! Okay, so back to shot lists. The part I never planned out was the dialogue half of the scene so that's what I did today. First, I printed out the script (which, side note, I ended up making some simple changes to...again.) And then I went along the script making notes on the side about how I wanted the shots to look.
Here's a pic:

Also the paper on the right is the one I was using to draw out the blocking and camera movements. It's messy but hey, it makes sense to me. I'll probably end up using that paper to explain the camera shots to my dad, who will be helping me film everything. Anyhow, once I knew what I wanted I wrote it all down somewhat neatly.

(the squares are suppose to represent the room's four walls)

And voila! I'm done. I really hope everything turns out the way I have it in my head.

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Byrdie baby!

The time has finally come. Without further ado, here's Byrdie: password: byrdiefilmopening