Friday, March 13, 2020

naming my baby

The time has come...I have to come up with a title for my film. I haven't really prioritized this just because I rather focus on bigger tasks first, but every time I fill out a synchronization license request it seems like the little box labeled "Production title" is taunting me. So, today I am forcing myself to come up with a title.

To start, I looked up "how to name your film" and ended up with a couple articles: Movie Title Ideas: 3 Ways To Come Up With Cooler Titles, Top Ten Tips For Titling Your Movie, and How to Write Screenplay Titles That Don't Suck.

I skimmed all three and learned the following:
-keep it simple
-have the title reflect the genre
-have it make sense when accompanied by the logline/fit into the general story being told
-make sure it's not already taken
-try to come up with a title based off the character, setting, or situation/feeling

Since the setting isn't essential to my story I'm not naming it ruling that method out. Instead I'm going to brainstorm a couple of words related to situation/feeling.
Okay I did it. I think naming my film off of a situation/feeling is a dead end. Maybe if I had more of the plot set up I could come up with something but I feel like there's not too many feelings or situations established within the first two minutes that I can work with, other than social media and validation. I did, however, manage to come up with one title: 'The art of the algorithm'. I don't love it and I can't tell why; maybe it's too on the nose but, hey, it's a start.

Now, I'm going to try out basing the title off of the main character Kiara. I think is the best method since many dramdies are named after the main character (Juno, Forrest Gump, Lady Bird, etc). There's two ways I can go about doing this: I can name the film after the character herself or use a description of the character. The name Kiara itself it too plain to be a movie title so maybe I can give her a nickname and just put that in the script instead of Kiara. Back to brainstorming...
I'm back and brainstorming was a bust. So, instead I went onto amazon prime and started watching Lady Bird because, despite citing it earlier in this post, I hadn't seen it. At first glance one could mistake this as "procrastination" or "avoiding challenges" or whatever you want to call it but, upon closer examination one would realize that this was simply my way of getting over a creative block, and it worked! The name Lady Bird made me think that "Birdie" could be a fitting nickname and then I remembered that I followed a girl on Instagram named Jaden Byrd and how she had her username as @byrdiiee and how I always liked it. Basically what I'm getting at is that my character will be named Kiara Byrd, aka Byrdie, which will be the name of my film. I like 'Byrdie' more than 'The art of the algorithm' but maybe that's just me so I decided to take a poll. So far Byrdie is winning and I have a feeling it'll stay that way.

Side note: here's the paper I was brainstorming on

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Byrdie baby!

The time has finally come. Without further ado, here's Byrdie: password: byrdiefilmopening