Sunday, April 12, 2020

reflection time

Since I'm coming close to the end now, I figured it was time for a little reflection. The very first realization that comes to mind is that working within the space where I'm going to be shooting is extremely helpful, at least for me. The shot ideas that I came up with while I was on the set were easier to realize because I knew how much space I had and could test it out with the camera. I feel like that might some sort of backwards logic, location first then shot lists, but it ended up working for me. I think it works that way because since I don't have a huge budget I just have to work with the room and resources I have. Anyway, the point is I now know to keep the space I'm working with in mind when planning a scene. I also realized that I love working with music. Like love. The part I was most excited about when I was editing was the beginning where Byrdie's movements and the cuts sync up with the music. It's so satisfying I'm definitely going to keep doing it. Another thing I learned is that plans always change. And I'm not saying this because of corona; actually, looking back I think my film opening would've changed even if both of my actresses had been able to act. I've realized that there's just always another way to do things and even if change is kind of anxiety-inducing sometimes it's for the best. This is probably a good reason for why I need to work on time management and have back-up plans ready, to be more prepared. I'll keep that in mind for next time.

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Byrdie baby!

The time has finally come. Without further ado, here's Byrdie: password: byrdiefilmopening